Sunday, February 20, 2011

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The confidentiality of your medical history: cuidadin if it falls into the hands of TJ!

http://es. / wiki / Historia_cl% C3% ADnica

Dear comrades watchtoweriana anger hidden in the catacombs

Today, in honor to the latest messages in which I threaten to close this famous apostate agents Watch blog, I decided to do a rehash of an article I wrote a couple of years. More than anything, that they also champions of human rights and individual freedoms , to present it as further proof of how selfishly deform and distort it documents the religious denomination of Jehovah's Witnesses. What do these messages have been? I wear them, if you have not read:
WARNING! said ...

This blog is violating copyrights, are presented false testimony and documents fraudulently altered. In view of this a small group of lovers of the law we are making every effort possible because it is closed by the authorities in case you do not modify its policy.

February 19, 2011 13:04
WARNING! said ...

February 19, 2011 16:39
But the remake is now fully documented and all, to the delight of many and dismay of the beggars. It's about security and confidentiality of our history ... if it falls into the hands of a Jehovah's Witness ... because working in a hospital, office law or the Ministry of Justice! Will you post!

The following information is taken from the official publication of the Jehovah's Witnesses: Watchtower , September 1, 1987, pages 12-15, which says
"talk time" ... When?
MARY is a medical assistant in a hospital. One of the requirements of their work is confidentiality. have to keep documents and information relating to their work come into the possession of persons not authorized to have them. your local laws also governing the disclosure of confidential information about patients.
One day Mary was in a quandary. While attending certain medical records, noted information indicating that certain patient Christian as she had obtained an abortion. Mary Had a biblical responsibility to disclose this information to the elders of the congregation, although this could result in losing his job, as the defendant or his employer was seen in legal trouble? Proverbs 11:13 Or hiding justify what happened? The text says: "He who walks as a slanderer is uncovering confidential talk, but he who is faithful in spirit is covering an issue. " (Compare Proverbs 25:9, 10.)
Occasionally Jehovah's Witnesses are facing situations of this kind. Like Mary, they acquire a clear awareness of what King Solomon said: "To everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every matter under heaven: [...] time to be silent and a time to talk." (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7.) It was time for Mary to be quiet, or it was time to talk about what had noticed?
The circumstances vary greatly. Thus it would impossible to follow a standard procedure in any case, as if the whole world should address issues such as Mary did. In fact, every Christian, if ever one is faced with a situation of this nature, must be willing to weigh all the factors involved and reach a decision to be taken into account biblical principles and any legal issues involved, and leave the Christian with a clear conscience before the Lord. (1 Timothy 1:5, 19.) When sins are minor and are due to human imperfection, applying the principle: "Love covers a multitude of sins." (1 Peter 4:8.) But when it seems that there has been a serious evil, should reveal the true Christian he knows, love for God and his fellow Christian, so that the person who apparently has sinned can help, and can conserve cleaning of the congregation? ...
Application of Biblical principles

What are some basic biblical principles involved in the situation? First, anyone who commits a serious wrong to be trying to hide. "He who conceals his transgressions will not succeed, but confesses that and let them be shown mercy. "(Proverbs 28:13.) Jehovah says it all. Over time you have to account for hidden transgressions. (Proverbs 15:3, 1 Timothy 5:24, 25.) Sometimes the Lord makes a member of the congregation is aware of a hidden evil that is given due attention. (Joshua 7:1-26.)
Another biblical pattern is given in Leviticus 5:1: "Now if a soul sin because he has heard cursing in public and witness, or have seen or come to know this, if not reported, then has to answer for his mistake. " This "swearing in public" was not profane or blasphemous speech. Rather, it often occurred when someone who had caused any harm required that any person who could testify about what happened will help you get justice, while asking the Lord curses-probably-on person, perhaps not yet identified, which had caused the evil. It was a way to put others under oath. Any witnesses to evil would know who had suffered injustice and have the responsibility to report to is proof of the guilt. Otherwise, they would to "answer for his mistake" before the Lord.

The mandate of the Highest Level of authority in the universe imposed on each Israelite responsibility to inform the judges to observe any serious evil, that the matter could be handled. Although Christians are not strictly under the Mosaic Law, the principles of this still apply in the Christian congregation. Therefore, there may be times when the Christian is obliged to call attention to an issue of the elderly. is true that in many countries it is illegal to disclose what is in records private persons not authorized to know. But if, after considering an affair with prayer, the Christian believes that faces a situation in which God's law would require him to report what he knew in spite of what is required under authority, then accept that responsibility before the Lord. There are times when the Christian "must obey God as ruler rather than men." (Acts 5:29.)
Although solemn oaths or promises should never be taken lightly, there may be times when the promises laid down by men in conflict with the requirement exclusive devotion to our God. When someone commits a serious sin actually is put under a 'public curse "of person against whom the wrong has been committed, Jehovah God. (Deuteronomy 27:26, Proverbs 3:33.) All who become part of the Christian church are placed under "oath" to keep the congregation clean, both personally and what they do to help others stay clean .

personal responsibility
Probably these are some of the biblical principles Mary considered when making personal decisions. Wisdom dictated that he not act hastily, without weighing the issues carefully. The Bible counsels: "Do not become a witness against your neighbor without base. Then you would have to be stupid with your lips. " (Proverbs 24:28.) To establish a case definitely need the testimony of at least two eyewitnesses. (Deuteronomy 19:15.) If Mary had seen only a brief mention of abortion, could have decided, in harmony with their conscience, for proof that he had committed an evil was so weak that she had no reason to do anything more. Could have made a mistake in passing the bill, or would might, for another reason, the records do not reflect well what had happened.

However, in this case Mary had other significant information. For example, knew that the sister had paid the bill, apparently recognizing that he had received the specified service. Furthermore, personal knowledge, Mary knew that the sister was single, which raised the possibility that he had committed fornication. Mary felt the desire to provide loving support to someone who perhaps had erred, and protect the cleanliness of the organization the Lord, to remember Proverbs 14:25: "A true witness is fighting souls, but one that is misleading released outright lies."
Mary had some apprehension about the legal aspects of this matter, but believed the situation called biblical principles carry more weight than the requirement to protect the confidentiality of medical records. insurance reasoned that the sister did not resent or try to get back at her and cause problems. Therefore, when analyzing all data that were available, decided, in good conscience, it was time to "talk", not "silent."

Now Mary faced another question: Who would speak, and how I could do it discreetly? Could go directly to the elderly, but decided to go private first-in-a sister. This was loving you. Mary reasoned that the person they believe may welcome the opportunity to clarify matters, or, if guilty, to confirm the suspicion. If the sister had already spoken to the elders about this matter, it probably would, and Mary should not go wrapping yourself in the situation. reasoned that if the sister had had an abortion and had not confessed this serious transgression of the law of God, encourage her to do so. Then the elders would help in keeping with James 5:13-20. Happily, that's how we solved the issue. Mary discovered that her sister had had an abortion under pressure, and spiritual weakness. For shame and fear had hidden his sin, but was glad to receive help from the elders to restore their spiritual health.
If Mary had spoken first to eldership, they would have faced a similar decision. How treat the confidential information had been given? They would have had to make a decision based on what they perceive that demanded of them, as shepherds of the flock, the Lord and His Word. If the report had involved a baptized Christian who is actively associated with the congregation, they would have to weigh the evidence as Mary did, to determine whether they should continue to address the issue or not. If you determine that there was probably a condition of "leaven" in the congregation may decide to appoint a committee court to investigate the matter. (Galatians 5:9, 10.) If the suspect had actually resigned as a member, and had not attended meetings for some time and was not identified as a Jehovah's Witness, could choose to leave the matter without being treated until they begin to identify that person again as a witness.

Employers are entitled to expect that their Christian employees 'loyalty to fully deploy good', including the observance of rules Confidentiality. (Titus 2:9, 10.) If you make an oath, not to be taken lightly. The oath makes a promise to be more solemn and binding. (Psalm 24:4.) And in cases where the law reinforces a requirement of confidentiality, the situation becomes more serious still. Therefore, before a Christian to take an oath or put under the constraint of confidentiality, either in relation to employment or otherwise, would be wise to determine, to the extent possible, what problems could produce this for a conflict with the biblical requirements . How will issue one if a brother or sister becomes customer? Usually the jobs that you work with doctors, hospitals, courts and lawyers are the type of employment where a problem may arise. We can not ignore the law of Caesar or the seriousness of an oath, but Jehovah's law is supreme.

Previewing the problems that might arise, some brothers who are lawyers, doctors or accountants, and other professions, have prepared some guidelines in writing and have asked brothers who consult to read these guidelines before disclosing confidential information. Thus, it is to be understood in advance that if they see a serious evil, the evil doer would be encouraged to go to the elders of his congregation to resolve the issue. is understood that if the person involved did not do that, the counselor would be obliged to talk to the elderly himself.
There may be occasions when the personal convictions of a faithful servant of God based on their knowledge of the Word of God to force or drive to violate the confidentiality requirements because the divine law required as a higher power. Should display courage and discretion. The goal would not be detrimental to spy on the freedom of another person, but to help those who make mistakes and keep the Christian congregation clean. Minor transgressions due to sin be overlooked. In this case, "love covers a multitude of sins, and we ought to forgive" seventy times seven. " (Matthew 18:21, 22.) This is the "quiet time." But when someone tries to hide serious sins, may be "time to talk."
[Footnotes page]
Mary is a hypothetical person who is faced with a situation they have faced some Christians. His handling of the situation is how some biblical principles have been applied in similar circumstances.
End Item. Because of the importance and gravity of the contents of this article in the official journal of religious affiliation, I copied in full. These guidelines religious confession leaves us all users - Jehovah's Witnesses - public health or private client law firms and attorneys, as well as being affected by any proceeding with secrecy summary included ... in the hands of Jehovah's Witnesses who can work in these professions or professional these ministries! If you follow the guidelines of the religious denomination, should reveal the confidentiality of our records whether the religious entity and have it stipulated. Is this legal in Spain?

The law in Spain says something diametrically opposed to the requirements of the religious denomination of Jehovah's Witnesses, but we have read that they have a higher law ... the English law, the guidelines of their religious! Ultimately, they have the religious duty to disclose the confidentiality of our data ... but then face the consequences.

Did you know that the Ministry of Justice? Does he know the Ministry of Health? Do you know the General Council of Lawyers? Did know the Ombudsman? Do you know the General Council of Judicial Power? Do you know the General Association of Medical Colleges in Spain? If you do not know, who will inform them?

Article 10
all have the following rights with respect to the various public health:
The confidentiality of all information related to your process and stay in public and private health institutions to collaborate with the public. (Law 14/1986 of April 25, General Health)
inform the following entities about the existence of this item:

* General Council Colleges of Physicians of Spain:
* State Attorney General: C /. Fortuny, 4 28010 Madrid
* General Council of the Judiciary: C /. Marqués de la Ensenada, 8 28004 Madrid Fax: 91 7006358
* Ombudsman:
* English Agency for Data Protection:


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