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http://www.agenciafe.com/noticia/articulo/152246/zona/3/DENUNCIAS_TRAS_LA_MUERTE_DEL_TESTIGO_DE_JEHOVA_ACCIDENTADO.html Dear comrades
victims of pseudoteología watchtoweriana:
recently deceased Zampini Camilo Orlando because of an accident with his motorcycle. When doctors tried to get him for blood transfusion, the wife was closed in-band and file the document board publishes and distributes religious affiliation of the Jehovah's Witnesses with the signature of her husband a bit confusing - as his sister -. In Spain it is called Advance Directives Card: http://johnhenrykurtz.blogspot.com/2011/02/md-ab-s-tarjeta-de-instrucciones.html
's sister deceased, fought legally to obtain a court order won ... but it was too late! Doctors had diagnosed brain dead when he arrived for the court order. Transfusion in this case of extreme emergency and urgency, to be done, should have been done immediately, doctors said.
The sister of the deceased has reported the case in court, for neglect of person and death aggravated by the link. In addition, for some alleged physical assault suffered by the Jehovah's Witnesses who are evaluating the forensic. You can not give more details because the matter is under a gag order.
A member of CHS (Committee on Hospital Liaison), Alejandro Ocampo, without awaiting the outcome of the judicial inquiry being carried out by the medical examiner to determine the cause of death, said: " Zampini died as a result of the coup that was not for lack of blood " , among other lindeces.
Then the same character - following the policy of religion on this matter - that was ratified in the hit and hide the hand , when he wanted to emphasize that I do not accept blood transfusions is a matter purely personal and individual ..., which has nothing to do the religious entity. (See the following link: http://johnhenrykurtz.blogspot.com/2011/02/querida-confesion-religiosa-que.html and http://johnhenrykurtz.blogspot.com/ 2011/01/el-no-las-transfusiones-sanguineas.html ) I almost fall the tears of emotion when listening to this member of the CEH. However, this expert forgot to say that Jehovah's Witnesses that blood transfused decide voluntarily receive retaliation from the religious denomination. What are these reprisals? All your social and family environment, will make a vacuum. Suffer a real social and family stoning. And who dares say a word or direct you a terse "Hello!" ... suffer the same penalty. How much a person can endure emotionally when all your loved ones ... you get back, given today's religion? Is that a psychological torture ... or a prize rewarding? Why Mr. Alejandro Ocampo, did not mention this little detail? Can a decision be Individual and conscience when there is coercion? https: / / picasaweb.google.com / formerwitness / CENTRODEDOCUMENTACIONPERMANENTESOBRELAEXPULSIONENLOSTESTIGOSDEJEHOVA #
So with all the documentation provided in the links above, the reader can get documented and to a successful conclusion on Jehovah's Witnesses and blood transfusions ... and the black hand behind it and that rocks the cradle!
Finally, our colleague Tejota , shines with the following task:
LA blood transfusion,
"a personal matter?
says the Governing Body, for blood transfusion,
correct decision not to expel the lame,
of weakness gave way to such treatment, but shows repentance
with full sincerity.
past, with an iron hand anyone who
relented and finally transfused
he were removed as a dog.
Today is just the opposite and say eloquently
is a matter of conscience to a slip
This change resulted
the treaty of Bulgaria,
was "new luminaria "
to keep the hearing.
With this new "lighting"
Count Dracula, I say, it could
witness and never be expelled .