Hooooooooolaaaaa because this award has given me Sonia (not me) http://elclubdelacostura.blogspot.com / me great many illusions, pretty thank you very much, you're a sun kisses and Rachel http://lasbolsasdemama.blogspot.com muchassssssss thanks also, I was pleased to see that you have remembered me, besotesss
Now I put the rules to be complied with when receiving this award
- Accepting the award, and publish it in your blog
- Give it to 3 to 5 blogs, informing them that they have received the
- Send link blog award that I accepted the awarded it to you.
The purpose of this award is given the opportunity to blogs "not yet famous" to be known. So give it to ..... because frankly I do not know, heh heh, so far ruling out all those that have already received ....
Manoily The purpose of this award is given the opportunity to blogs "not yet famous" to be known. So give it to ..... because frankly I do not know, heh heh, so far ruling out all those that have already received ....
's Blog
http://manolydg72puntocruz.blogspot.com Coropensa http://corapensa.blogspot.com/ Only I http://mayiyianasol.blogspot.com/
And suddenly an angel http://yderepenteunangel.blogspot.com/
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