Friday, February 4, 2011

Learn How To Suck You Own Penis


Hannibal (the Turtle)

internal religious confession: Our Kingdom Ministry, July 1995

Dear comrades who have contributed money and labor to build the house of God:

Hannibal (the Turtle), from Guadalajara - the capital Alcarria - serves this beautiful news. Can you sell Bethel, "House of God"? Is that moral? Is that Christian? In biblical times, "sold the nation of Israel's temples were built and dedicated to God? Thanks Hannibal, for reminding us much money we invest in making reality of having our cathedral testiguil, thanks for referring to the many who put the free labor to build this. Oh, if we had been told that after 30 years of putting money and effort into this bottomless pit ... the intention was to sell it without any explanation: why, how, when ..., and how!

If one notices the internal newsletter, the first thing is the expression: "How beautiful!". Exclamation referred to the House of God (Bethel). Is it beautiful? If so, why is laying off staff, has stopped printing, storing and distributing publications ..., a fundamental objective and rationale and reason for its existence? We have testimony from workers in the center saying that the intention is to sell the complex, is that true?


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