Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gift To Family Member Tax

religious denomination, what components blood should I allow my conscience? Justin

Our Kingdom Ministry, January 2011

Our Kingdom Ministry, November 2006, pages 5 and 6

https: / / / johnhenry.kurtz / DocumentaciNSobreLaCuestiNDeLaSangreYLosTestigosDeJehov #

Dear comrades and unrepentant apostates of the Watchtower: A brother

Salamanca, writes the following letter to the rebels seeking irreducible documented the truth No gimmicks: no euphemisms watchtowerianos, half-truths and outright lies.
He asks us not to disclose his identity because they do not want your family to suffer the reprisals that religious faith can take against him and his environment. Also, I have been asked to change the writing style so you will not be able to recognize friends, but preserving the integrity of the text. Va for you!
Dear JHK:
took a while reading various sites apostates and, among these is your blog. I like that it usually provides the documentation for the reader to verify the accuracy of your statements. First of all tell you that I am currently studying at the University of Salamanca. There, I do not identify as a Jehovah's Witness to avoid problems and prejudices. But in my home congregation, the elders that there are very limited (academically speaking) and I understand them or in their explanations and they understand well my questions - especially about acceptable and unacceptable blood components and the biblical -. I did not want to stress more, because I said we should accept everything that comes from the Faithful and Discreet Slave ... without question. For now, I will not raise suspicion about my personal convictions on the subject: I do not want to upset my family or they may be frowned upon by my account.
Do you have clear, accurate and detailed information on the position that we maintain about Jehovah's Witnesses? I would appreciate it very much. No I ask in my congregation because they look at me with suspicion, in addition to that that I am studying in college ...! Also, do not trust the information they could provide me would be so extensive and accurate as yours, you know, they omit certain information such as letters to the elderly and other documents that classify as confidential.
I await your response and send you a hug for your selfless work on behalf of us all.
; Miguel Miguel
Dear, I have answered personally - -as you know - and now I invite you to read the comment is appropriate that, no doubt, will help to a better understanding of the issue to be involved. We

up a part of the internal bulletin of the religious beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain: Our Kingdom Ministry, November 2011, page 2. Annual and on time - every January - the religious entity can not remember and indoctrinated on the need to renew our commitment the official position of the religious denomination on blood transfusions its derivatives, as well as possible medical techniques. So, today we dissect and translate the Roman Palladian directives - not always crystal clear - the religious denomination in this inner circle. Going for you!

The subject of the article gets it done: Do we know what are our options? I'm supposed to fill out advance directives card that provides us with the deeply rooted religious confession and blood components olé with acceptable and unacceptable - as the Bible of the Governing Body -. We are supposed to make a living, how we will fill if not our mind or our consciousness know what we should or should not be allowed? Perhaps the topic should read for the Jehovah's Witness could understand at first: Do we know what are the guidelines aimed at all religious beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain, for this year on what we can and we can not accept as a medical treatment without retaliating against us? The thematic question is slightly longer, but certainly much more explicit and explanatory.

In the first paragraph, the rascals, do the following question innocent Do we know well what are the options for medical care without blood? First of all: a high percentage of Jehovah's Witnesses are elderly people who have had limited formal education - some not even that - how can they to know these people his Bible-trained conscience allowed, for example, accept: albumin, immunoglobulins, clotting factors, hemoglobin, hemin, interferons ... if not even know that these words are in the dictionary or not even exist these components? For the same reasons that we can accept biblical blood components mentioned above, how religious faith can tell that the following are unacceptable for Christians? What are unacceptable ?: Whole blood, plasma, red cells, white cells, platelets. How can a person reading the Bible to arrive at these conclusions? Simply put, this is impossible. Here is a black hand behind it and that rocks the cradle: the religious faith that determines - in place of the consciousness of individuals - what components do and which can not be accepted as medical treatment. What happens is that they intend to present all this nonsense as a result of our conscience forbids us to accept a blood component that did not even know exist. I suggest one thing: the next Jehovah's Witness who you visit, ask: what blood component can accept and which not? And the response, in contrast to the official list printed by the religion. I dare say that more than 95% do not know without consulting the publications issued by the religious entity. They have no idea. They write in the Living Will as dictated to them, orally or in publications of religious affiliation.

And how can the Iberian integral Linnet, get to know options? To see this video first The negative blood. Medicine accepts the challenge. (which you can download one on the network, eg or also in: ;) So, first watch the video edited and distributed by religious affiliation, will not happen unless we ask a hematologist! Y. .., then what? Then, having prayed, we review our understanding of the matter availing the questionnaire below. Pray. What to pray is a cover, something that misleads the reader of this newsletter for domestic consumption. "Pray for what ... if they are written, comprehensive and detailed by the religious denomination? This is smoke involved in anything. The interesting thing is when he says that we review our understanding of the matter ... availing of the questionnaire gives us the religious entity. What does this questionnaire?

The first on the forehead: 1) What is the main reason why the Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusions? What? Is it no longer remember? Any decision so momentous and vital ... have no clear foundation on which to base your decision that the religious denomination you refer to your video for you to soak? Bad start!

2) What kind of medical care of Jehovah's Witnesses want? There are about seven million Jehovah's Witnesses spread around the world, as does everyone think about this ... without any variation? Do not you smell that? I imagine that Jehovah's Witnesses and people of other faiths, and atheists, and medical personnel ... want the best care possible ? But Who determines for Jehovah's Witnesses is the best care? As the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Of course, this does not necessarily coincide with the lex artis ad hoc . of physicians, we cite only what interests us, often, biased and partial information.

3) What fundamental right is the patient? If you ask me and without seeing the video of the religious denomination, I would say to live. This is the first right of the patient. Second - and if circumstances permit - to consider the pros and cons of medical treatments that we propose the doctor on duty. Of course, do not ask the pastor of the local community, medical issues that affect me! And remind him that the religious institution of: Zapatero to your shoes.

4) Why is a reasonable and responsible measure to choose alternatives to transfusion? Silver we talk or continue playing with a richly ambiguous language? You always have the patient the opportunity to choose an alternative to transfusion blood? Why do not we ask our family doctor, or better yet, a surgeon? "In an emergency, too? What shall we play? We're talking about something serious ... the life of the people who blindly trust in us, people who see us as God's representatives on earth!

5) When you lose a lot of blood, which two urgent priorities for doctors? Heh, heh! You are amazing. What if we ask the question this way? When you lose a lot of blood, as it is in a emergency, we can lay hold of nothing other than a blood transfusion? Honestly, do you believe that grandmothers who can barely read and write ... can answer these questions? I am going to answer it if you see my answer If a server has lost a lot of blood - as can happen in an accident - do not ask me why two urgent priorities for doctors or any of the bullshit you write you, just hope and pray that the doctor that I attends not do any experiment with me at that time and is complying with formal medical protocol for such emergencies. No for nothing, but I trust most in the medical school in the illegal shift Governing Body.

6) What are the four principles of alternative strategies to blood transfusions? Well . The medical insurance, provided they can avoid blood transfusions - as long as this does not pose a risk to the patient's life -. Nobody wants to undergo surgery for pleasure, no one wants a blood transfusion if you can avoid: both have their potential risks and complications. For example, anesthesia, X surely die each year, But how many lives saved? How many surgeries can be performed thanks to the anesthesia? Moreover, if we want to highlight are the possible side effects of blood transfusions, why it is also objectionable for religious confession autologous transfusion? For example, in anticipation of surgery, I bag and store my own blood ... if needed! It would have no problem! While I agree that if any of the blood components that allows religious entity - as blood is derived from an anonymous donor - also could be contaminated with a host of diseases. Then, it would be at risk like that whole blood is transfused. Throughout this issue, so there is much partial and biased health information.

7) How can doctors) to minimize blood loss, b) keep red blood cells, c) to stimulate blood production, d) recovering the lost blood? Learn may be right. But I believe that medical practice should be left in the hands of medical staff, right? Or, do I have that teach - I, a neophyte in the matter and because I have your video viewing - the surgeon on call techniques of how to operate? This is absurd and would be laughable if it was not yet subject innocent people die.

8) Explain the procedure known as a) hemodilution b) recovery of blood. If you were teaching in medical schools, what kind of education you would give to students? "Enseñaríais just what you ought theologically at one time? Do you think you know everything I need and what value can it have? I trust the doctor that I need surgery, I trust their expertise and experience, I will not trust you, eh? I like what you said before: shoemaker your shoes, but in view of your academic curriculum is whiter than milk, I can think of no place to send you! You play to be the Voice of God on earth, when you have no fucking idea of \u200b\u200balmost anything ... and deep ... nothing! The note I give a zero ranker.

9) did what should we tell when we are offering an alternative to blood transfusions? Do you know what I say? As all this a normal person can not have it on the head, the best part is that you - from the national headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain - bring forth a bit and we face a dejaseis your emergency consultation where to call to see:
- Hello! "Here Bethel?
- Yes, brother in faith and endless contributor.
- Brother, I have a problem with blood components and I made a mess: my surgeon operates suggests crioprecipiotados transfusion. As in the guidelines that you send us does not mention this component annually, can my conscience to accept this transfusion, yes or no?
- Brother in faith. Here at the national headquarters have a general practitioner and I'm not sure that even know that word. And other long story.
- What can I put with a member of the Branch? They should know, right?
- Jua, jua, jua! But what a nerd you are! Most have neither office nor benefit, but one that was previously selling eggs at a market. Look, you can not operate nor die, we have to write to the Governing Body. Them there in Brooklyn, seek the word in the dictionary and when they get found out, have to meet a Wednesday, and then to pass that kind of transfusion, must agree to two-thirds of the members of the Governing Body Bank. Then we send the answer here, the national headquarters in Spain, and we will notify the elders of your congregation, in turn, they will give you the answer to you ... if you're still alive to tell! ;
- But then, while So, can spend a couple of months?
- fixed, if not more. Confidence. I have crappy, male.
- But on the DVD distributed by the Society says that ...
- Ja, ja, ja! But man, how you think that! If I were you - now that nobody listens to me - I would tell the surgeon to pull 'Pa Lante "the operation. You and many of the elderly. Neither mentions any brother. Out of sight, out of mind!
- But what do I know what I should be letting my conscience ... if the Governing Body did not tell me said before? I thought at Bethel, take it apart from oil, would also be to provide emergency aid.
- Brother, do not be a 'Noob'. Bethel is for what is: to catch the cash donations and in return provide financial opacity baskets. You, do not be stupid and take note of the advice he has given you confidential.
10) Can be long and complicated surgery without blood transfusions? The question could be worded better that way you always can be long and complicated surgery without blood transfusions, or rather, are a rare exception with which we can not count most of us? Things are A working hypothesis: in ideal conditions, with all the latest technology and with the best professionals, with plenty of time to prepare this speech, etc., Etc., Etc. But, is this viable and accessible to the JW mean? Is this available in all countries and within reach of everyone ..., when 18 children die every hour from measles in the world? What do you need to save them children? As high technology is not accurate or highly qualified professionals only: to isolate the patient, good nutrition, adequate fluid intake? The information is to give it full and not create a misconception of things with a half-truth, who listens to us and think we are the only representatives of God.

11) What positive step is giving the medical community? For you what it is when positive agree with your views or goals. You can not generalize, either with the medical community: not all countries are equal opportunities health and are economically available to everyone. But you, the way you have to write or tell things, it seems that everyone has at their fingertips all this advanced technology and world's top professionals in the best possible conditions. That is a utopia. Your gall

no known limits. Let me explain. For example, the following: Based on the dictates of conscience raised by the Bible, every Christian must decide whether or not certain treatments are presented in the video. is Indeed, in the limited room for maneuver that let's religion ... we are able to decide on some treatments, but not : blood transfusion, red cells, white cells, plasma and platelets. In the latter cases, no Bible or no awareness there are clear and precise directives of religion. Nobody makes a difference! What happens is that the religious institution wants to present the position of the seven million Jehovah's Witnesses as a personal and conscientious. But the reality is that she is back with its powerful machinery hierarchical to coerce the forced dissociation transfused blood who dares conviction. Disassociation, is: your family disowns you - restricting to a minimum the deal with you - and your friends will withdraw the greeting ... and you can not be welcome, much less talk! Therefore, there is coercion by religious affiliation.

Finally, how can you be sure what I can and I can not accept as acceptable medical treatment for religious beliefs? Very simple. Referring back to publications. Not have to search you, they'll give everything eaten and you join the references to relevant publications:
* The Watchtower, June 15, 2004 (Question of the readers)
* The Watchtower, October 15, 2000
* Our Kingdom Ministry, November 2006
Once consulted these publications, we can point you in the card and our Advance Directives Living Will (Wills) the instructions given by the religious denomination, so that all write the same thing. It decides and acts personal awareness of the Jehovah's Witnesses!


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