Frederick William Franz |
Joseph Franklin Rutherford, preaching the gospel |
Dear comrades victims of different opacities:
Our colleague K 19 , apostate sent to the afterlife, has been interviewing one of the largest in Spain - John Kurtz - and that was the 4 th distinguished president of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Frederick William Franz. The latter was the great theologian unparalleled - self-taught scholar of classical Greek and biblical with a course of 20 hours -. He, the spiritual light of the West, the Lighthouse of Alexandria for members of religious confession, author of speech Fowler left speechless with both friends and strangers in our beloved Spain - once the spiritual reservoir of the West -. Pre-eminent author on the desired falluto prophecy coming of the end of the world by the year 1975 CE .., among others; how good economic returns reported to the coffers of the religious institution. Adored and revered as an icon. Egomaniac affected simplicity which teacher wearing Oxford University in the fifties. Perhaps with what you've always wanted and could never achieve! The one-eyed in the land of the blind. Author of numerous books that played the prophetic books of the Bible - that no one could understand, and now the religious denomination or the mint -. He, who interpreted the deep things of God exclusively. Like the rest of the presidents that preceded it in office, died without seeing the fulfillment of his prophecies ..., carambola of life! What can we do? And I wrote our Calderon de la Barca : "The weight of years the excellence that is rendered easy to conquer difficult time there."
The interview is exclusive and is granted to our comrade K19, ultra Iberian apostate. Going for you!
In heaven
K19 : Knock, knock! "Is this heaven?
San Pedro: Yes Here is .
K19: Are these the 144,000?
San Pedro: 144,000 "what? Ah ... now! Interpretation literal to a symbolic number that appears in the symbolic book of Revelation, which are the Jehovah's Witnesses. Well! Up here are the 144,000 and a few others - number number above or below -.
K19: is coming to interview two: John Kurtz and Frederick William Franz.
San Pedro: These are in the basement, in the warehouses, along with the manager Joseph Franklin Rutherford. Downstairs on the right, there will catch. I hope that the find calm ... but not expecting it.
K19: Thanks I flew. I already know the path. I have come before. Left you with God!
In the basement celestialLooks primarily to the Pepe Toga (JF Rutherford) lying on a stretcher and a track in the vein of the arm where they will administer dropwise a bottle of Jack Danield's No. 7.
K19: Hello, Joe! What?
JFR: Nothing, lad! I'm trying to quit drinking and now I chuto the vein ..., not to say the gossips apostates I'm a heavy drinker! Do you think it will slip?
K19: Pepe in Spain we have a saying: Breeding fame bed and lie. You, during Prohibition in the U.S., and was president of the Watchtower Society you were doing illegally importing whiskey boxes and boxes more expensive at the time from Canada. Now, I think it's too late. In fact, in Spain, joke, they call you Pepe Botella.
JFR: Oh, man! By being so, now I take off the road and I'll celebrate with a barrel of 500 liters of Sherry that has given me John Kurtz. Until then, Lucas! Ah! That's where Juan and Federico the Polyglot.
K19: Good. Thanks.
John Man, you were waiting as rain in May! Federico and I are ready to answer all your questions. Now we're in the afterlife, the Governing Body can get us no hand or make other ostracized us. But before you start, you want a glass of cazalla to take away the morning hoarseness? I have sent the brothers of Sevilla!
K19: that of cazalla Come! Juan, Spain, the brothers are to whistle.
John Pleas have.
K19: The brothers are pissed with what the elders discussed as a trial balloon and to prepare the body to the suckers: the sale of the two assembly hall is in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bone in Sant Quirze (Tarrassa) and the other in the neighborhood of Horta (in the capital). What do you think?
John is that this is a scam. Turns out the brothers in the Catalan provinces, have been financially supporting the acquisition, construction and maintenance of these two locations during the past 35 years. That they were sold as the will of God. Now, it is God's will is transformed according to the interests Economic Society. Today, the will of God has changed. God Can buy and sell real estate? No wonder that staff have the fly behind the ear.
K19: The elders are saying that the idea is to sell the two in order to build another. One larger and out of town.
John We'll see! They have a room in the capital, with the greatest possible accessibility: bus, metro, etc. Remember that most contributors - staff check in the box parné monetary contributions in the Halls United - are retirees, older sisters. It is they who have more faith and support that most of the financial burden. Few of them can move with the vehicle if purchased land and built an assembly hall on the outskirts of Barcelona. Of course, if you do that it will not be thinking about them.
But suppose that first sold the current two Assembly Halls: will invest the total amount that you get by selling it, in the building of another? Most of the brothers still have fresh memory of the years they were providing grants for the construction of the third Assembly Hall in the province and, when they had a good pasta coupled ..., the madams decided it was not necessary!
K19: What happened to all those millions who gathered for that purpose and then left in the pan? Is it back to the brothers?
John: He was Bethel and disposed of millions as they saw fit. We do not know if he was sent to a third country to invest in the stock market, hedge fund or mortgage. The total opacity is financial. Society not loose garment, are silent as cuckoos. Maybe money does that have seen the paradise as other promising us day in and day out! So now, the organization decides to sell these two real estate and intends to build another joke sounds like the least, not to mention a few stories of the penal code articles that come to mind to describe this financial transaction! When an entity or organization is the only thing that offers financial opacity, suspicion is legitimate! If there were financial transparency, the brothers would always know how in Spain donates money to religious affiliation, how much is spent and how concepts. But the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is not the work. They like to be defined as children of light , but financial matters are rather children of darkness. finances of religious faith must be in Tartarus Bible.
This will produce a national debacle. Today, the English brothers pringadetes are more informed than ever. Many read and report the financial operations of the worldwide religious denomination and you see them coming. Internet is the tool that opens the eye and is removing the blinkers watchtowerianas. The Governing Body will not free this operation in Spain ..., will hear it in their coffers! Time to time. You have to remember what Bible prophecy says: "in the end times would be plenty of true knowledge" , that is being fulfilled today. The Company has been living back to those who financially support it, with no information ... that they have to change! The reality exceed the opacity.
K19: John Do you believe that the Company will submit the decision to a vote among the affected siblings?
John If I have to refer to facts, the only votes that the religious institution has been locally and hands. I do not think a vote would risk secret, and even public show of hands, as is the mood today. They cleverly, the two properties have been deeded to name them. The real owners of Kingdom Halls and Assembly, both in Spain and elsewhere, is the church body of witnesses of the Lord which, translated, is the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. The men of Bethel, are actually straw men that cut no ice. The arrogance of this body, from seeking opinions ... they are your opinion! The other, we only have to place money in the bank.
K19: If you thought selling, why the brothers have recently had to spend a fortune to reform the Assembly Hall of Sant Quirze?
John would have to ask to Bethel. To me, the impression it gives me is that it has been to get more money from the sale of the premises once renovated. Also, the Company should answer that question for all siblings are affected.
K19: Spain is currently experiencing a serious economic crisis and our brothers and many are unemployed. Do you think this is an opportune time for the Company to make another purchase with our money and it asks us greater financial sacrifice to support the alleged new Assembly Hall?
John This is a fundamental fact to keep in mind. I know for a fact that many brothers understand this financial transaction, including many of the elders of the congregation. It bajini, and their confidence, they criticize the decision of the Organization. They complain that many are finding the going hard time at home, while playing Monopoly Society with their money and intend to raise cash.
K19: forsee What consequences?
John Before I mentioned something about this, but first they affect the general discontent and frustration at seeing the fruit of more than 35 years of financial donations and efforts by the brothers, volatilize to disappear into the limbo of nothingness. Implications? The brothers will lower your average hours of preaching (provide publications of confession without forgetting to ask for donations). Increase too - even more - the distrust of the Governing Body Bank and cash donations will plummet. Do not underestimate the Iberian integral Linnet, by dint of disappointments, just to learn.
K19: Thanks John, for all your answers sincere and theocratic. Now, we will ask Frederick the Polyglot. Fred, what you have to say about the new light endless overlap has been removed from the sleeve of your former colleagues of the Governing Body, given that the generation that saw the events of 1914 would also see the end of the world? Is not this a way of saying: "Where I say, I say Diego" ? Fred
: With the overlapping generation have been three people. The rock was well played with that did not come to the world in 1975. I acknowledge that I was the clip with 1975, but will agree with me that much economically motivated staff and donated much during those years parné previous. Everyone wanted salvation purchased by his generous donation to the Society. Yes, the slogan was veiled: You can have a piece in the New Order Watchtowerlandia by a generous donation! We always insist that money is the root of all evil ... except the one in our hands! We sanctify the money, we give a spiritual dimension. What the overlap is the judgments of the Constitutional Spain: abide by, but not shared. In short, the rock has not taken the bait.
K19: In those years gave you for writing to sack sobrre the meaning of the prophetic books of the Bible, more obscure books to understand. Your critics say that this was a monumental work of copying and pasting. What reception did you wrote such works? Fred
: Well, I'll be honest now that they can not cut hair. There were times when we had to harangue the troops unlearned and, if you think that anyone in the college Governing Body had known, because we - as Voice of God on earth - , to give an image of scholars on the subject ... yet have no idea pajorera! We in the ID of the Governing Body members under paragraph profession should write their work. And this is a constant that we have maintained to this day.
Therefore, I had been in college but not finishing school, I took the bull by the horns and I devoted myself to the urgent task of feeding the household of faith with a monumental task to copy and paste - as well the critics say - and what came out: an intellectual hodgepodge. But people bought those books on faith, not to understand them ... That even I understood them!
Everything I wrote was infumable, but had secured a circulation of millions. The first edition was some 2,000,000 copies before leaving and were sold to the Jehovah's Witnesses. In those years, books have a retail price and the brothers were paid in cash at the Kingdom Halls. Then other issues came under the same conditions: the brothers bought and then had to deal with the houses sold ... if them were able to sell and collect, it was their problem. The ball was in his field. The Company provided charged, never lost. In addition, he encouraged every member of a family of Jehovah's Witnesses have its own copy of every book printed ... this was a mine!
K19: What would happen if the ordinary witness bought the book at the show and could not sell to the public during his preaching? Fred
: I say: the nerd had to eat it with potatoes, because we had it previously charged to him. Now, it was this will shake him. Keep in mind that the market took out two or three books annually. Here, no mention Annual supplies: subscriptions to magazines The Watchtower and Awake ! , the timing of the confession for the current year, the Yearbook , and examining , without forgetting the bound volumes with full-year numbers of the two magazines mentioned ... everything were purchased in cash Witnesses Kingdom Halls ..., a paste goose per year! And when we started to manufacture and distribute cassette tapes ... that was a money scandal! I believe that the Kingdom Hall should have written a sign outside read: All for the United . What times!
K19: is striking that, despite the fact that the Governing Body will not miss an opportunity to rant against the college, where you can read the biography of your life that appears in WT of May 1, 1987, pages 22-30, of the nine pages that comprise the first four focus on your education ... 45% of the biography! After reading carefully, I feel a sense of: tell me what you brag and tell you what you lack. Do you harbor a sense of frustration at not being able to finish your college education?
Fred: Well . I had written almost everything written in the religious denomination, in addition to the New World Translation . The brothers worshiped me for my knowledge. Sure, playing with the advantage that they knew less than me! And, if someone caught in a monumental mistake, it expulsábamos an apostate! In the biography claiming to be a brilliant student who excelled at everything ... but without much stress I did not finish anything. The idea was to hit in the minds of people with a low cultural level. After all I was mystified at my level of knowledge.
K19: One of the myths that had run for generations by word of mouth among the suckers of testiguines Iberian and overseas, was that you had turned down a scholarship to study at Oxford or Cambridge. Also you mention in your biography. What was really the thing? Fred
: To be honest, for the first time in my life, I tell you something: that was a possible grant that supposedly could perhaps have been submitted and approved of having a test that was done for the occasion. .. But I did not take the exam, then I could not refuse! It was Cecil Rhodes Scholarship. But I was wrong that people mystify me and say those things about me ... even though they were not true.
K19: You studied at the University of Cincinnati ... without graduating. Former Jehovah's Witness Paul Blizard, has posted your grades in college ... and you can not say that you were a megacrack! What should you say?
Fred: Well Paul has left me with the ass in the air! What can I say! Luckily the troops unlearned who put blind faith in me, I knew all this. I removed the 'bailao'!
K19: Alexander Hugh Macmillan, in his book Faith On The March , pages 182 and 183 , writing about you, said "He is also a scholar in Hebrew, Greek and Syriac and Latin." "He speaks English and has a strong knowledge of Portuguese and German as well as is aware of the French. He is also an expert in the Hebrew and Greek and in Syriac and Latin, and all contribute to make it a figure of trust for the entire editorial team of the [President Nathan Homer] Knorr "(p.182 ). Fred, how could you "sell" that so brazenly? Fred
: Like I said before, deceived and strangers and, until very late in my life, I confessed that this was a scam but, to add to the prophetic truths scams deciduous that wrote, were on the whole a great scam ... scam or great! I, at the University of Cincinnati studied 21 hours of classical Greek and two hours of biblical Greek. There was a problem, that university was not Syriac or Hebrew or in the dates I was studying. Of course, I took 15 hours of Latin. Of course with these hours as academic background in biblical languages, I do not eat or a thread in the world of biblical scholarship! But keep in mind that I was the one-eyed in the land of the blind. The rest knew less than me ... in fact had no idea! Can correct the statements that made me, Macmillan and brother Nathan H. Knorr, in his book, but I came from pearls to my cause
K19: But Fred, as your nephew Raymond Franz in his book Crisis of Conscience (Editorial Clie, 1993) you said: " was the only one with enough knowledge of biblical languages \u200b\u200bto attempt translation of this class. He had studied Greek for two years at the University of Cincinnati, but the study of Hebrew own. " Two hours biblical Greek as a background and a correspondence course of the CCC in Hebrew, was not venturing too much to develop the New World Translation , translation of the Jehovah's Witnesses, starting from the original languages \u200b\u200bof the Bible? What guarantees do we have of their fidelity and accuracy to the original manuscripts? Http://
Fred: You you want to get caught by me bull. Obviously if a server with only two hours of Biblical Greek, was the only sufficiently prepared on the committee translators for the translation ... imagine what scholars who were the rest of the translation committee members! The other difficulty reading and writing with their own mother tongue, to embark on such a translation company!
The rationale was that we needed a translation conveniently docked our previous conception of the biblical doctrine. Come on, we needed a translation of the Bible that does not leave us with our ass naked body of doctrine invented by us. As Bible translations by linguists and biblical scholars did not conform to our preconceptions, pull the middle path and decided to make one ourselves that we do not contradict our body of teachings. Since no one understood or potatoes, the task consisted of a copy and paste, adding our preconceptions in the biblical texts which could cause problems. We did a Bible to our measure. So our translation parimos!
K19: Why omit the name and the academic curriculum of members of the Committee for Translation of the New World Translation ? Perhaps out of modesty ...?Fred
: not modesty or milk! What academic curriculum could present to the readers, if we did not have any curriculum? What did you want to pusiésemos: Fulano de Tal: their work profession. O, Mengano: self with his certificate of primary education under the arm. Zutano : stepped little school but was ready because it was set a lot. were about undocumented - academically speaking - and disguise our ignorance of false humility to look good in front of staff. Mira stayed well, admire some of the "humble" we are not to mention our academic degrees! We went 'bordao'.
K19: you recognize, then lied the parish? Fred
: The word "truth" or "lie", it gives me creeps. Nothing is true and nothing is a lie, everything depends on the eye of the beholder. Also, that you - as an apostate - flames lie is justified biblically, is a strategy for our spiritual warfare and serves to advance the interests of the United ..., do not always coincide with those of the Iberian integral Linnet overseas! For example, how many translations we sold? How much money do we reported those sales? What personal benefits have given us such income? Is the system of life of the Governing Body intrinsically related to the level of the money collected? What can be done with the money, that is really important! No, words that are carried by the wind, like truth or lie. I do not know if I still ...
K19: Man, I'm still clear! It explains how an open book. I only regret not having known this 30 years ago ..., for example. A part of our differences, do you think I can come back another day to interview Theodore Jacraz? I have to talk about a secret file in New York, where in 2002 there were about 23,720 sex offenders on religious confession ..., according to a BBC report! Fred
: For me you can come back, but you're going to piss Teodoro that item.
K19: Au \u200b\u200brevoir!
Fred: Wait a minute to consult the dictionary you want to see how to say goodbye in Hebrew ... I have it ...!: Bay!End of interview. We give many thanks to our comrade K19 for his journalistic work so incisive. Our incomparable
Tejota , is the author of this lyric as appropriate and theocratic:
In times of Prohibition,
winemaker Don Pepón
packed the sprue
wasting butter
that did not belong;
bebercio great devotee of
and another trade
of publishing, which grew
as if by magic
mucus than turkey,
without giving the IRS a penny
or the poor a poor hand- Don Pepón
staged the fireworks,
Heirs prophet
and discovered the great tit
that was more than a cow.
Thus, it filled his coffers,
with enormous waste
compróse a car Mandinka
that neither the biggest millionaire
could buy at a stroke ;
and, if that were not enough,
threw money like crazy
another great big car
-with drums and ufanía-
and the whole world laughing
at a time when the worker
or had lunch.
Construyóse a mansion
at the expense of both silly
that gave the mantle and the amount,
submission to the illogical doctrine
that without more stories
returning the prophets
touch as fatigues.
spent the time and such
not even a shadow appeared,
and swept under the rug
Don Pepón their doctrine.
Ni Armageddon came
after setting the noise,
and the slightest neglect
settled the absurd question,
look like an ass after
front of the whole people,
more but that he imported a
and kept getting rich
and filling the barrels
as enthusiastically
whiskey, rum and brandy
and cazalla and muscat.
end time Arrival
palm Don Pepón
direct went to the gate
of glory without delay
called him and left the goalkeeper,
who said very coldly:
"You have not mistaken?
a winemaker does not fit here. "
March 2, 2011 14:37