Saturday, March 26, 2011

How Do We Get Supertux On Your Ipod

The rush to doomsday and base metal: perfect couple

Clara Campoamor (wife faithful and apostate)

Awake January 8, 1968, p. 31; relationship: hurry, end of the world and money html

Dear Comrades worried about the approaching end of the world predicted by the Watchtower:

Our faithful companion, Clara Campoamor, has had the delicacy to share with the Honorable Brotherhood Apostate, this brief historical document which shows the relationship: systematic hurry The end of the world and money. But who is Clara ? Is among the pure, traditional castiza from the heart of Spain ... send us your chronic left in the regular and secret place where we leave your message ... away from the eyes of her husband, a man too busy with things and the fame of the church in his spare time, but very affectionate with her. What a surprise it would if I knew that our Clara working for the Resistance! She, on the advice of the Bible, try to win him over to our cause with love and documentation. Librarian vocation, can not help taking a look at the library family and rescue theocratic gems like today's.

These were the stamps that have been appearing until many years in all publications of the religious denomination of Jehovah's Witnesses. Http:// This coupon, short - as all were - is very significant when read carefully spiritual and theocratic. So, let's dissect the theocratic coupon. Going for you!
Why so fast? In the drawing can be a series of people running the hundred meter dash as Usain Bolt. What is the purpose of this picture? Lest the captured with remarkable clarity, he adds a religious confession grammatical sentences. In the first we glimpse the futility of the rush of all those people who do not work by and for the interests of the editorial-estate: Most people do not know why they go so fast all the time.
But during the time that they lived, the years before 1975, was rushed to the true Christian poor - all who purchase, preach and sell the publications of the religious denomination - the end of the world must get that fateful year as the religious entity. Let's see how they explain the beggars without borders: But in the "last days" of this present system of things is a legitimate reason for the haste to preach the good news of the kingdom of God. Yes, comrades, is a legitimate reason : distribute and sell the many publications of the religious institution ..., all personal goal or objective and ... is vanity!
not a hair cut when put fear in the body by integral Linnet Publisher Iberian overseas: Time is running out quickly. True, in 1968 he was running out of time to humanity and what it could do to save the destruction of the world? Very simple, nothing complicated spiritual or ethereal ... more material and human: buy. Buying the what and to whom?
Really easy, buy at that time the following publications or products published and distributed free in their spare time in person by the Jehovah's Witnesses, with a retail price and the Jehovah's Witness who had to buy earlier in the Hall United: Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses for 1968 for 50 cents. And Calendar for only 25 cents of the time.
Can there be salvation without money? No, my son, not that. What you give you worship, if worship and sell gives you eternal life? Ingtrínsecamente personal salvation is linked to the purchase of the products of the religious institution. A warning if it should be noted: the truths and prophecies contained in these publications are falluto expire like milk and cool in summer. That Forewarned is forearmed!


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