I said that in the "Draft Plan Simón Bolívar National Socialist Prime Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2007-2013" is the conception of the present regime man, society and the political project and should be answered in terms of reflection. I propose, then, another vision of Venezuelan society and build a political system that will replace the present. In short, my vision to start building in 2013. Is what we try.
old speeches are illegitimate. Shortage of inventors worldwide. We can not let Venezuela remains a land without history. To emancipate ourselves from the serious problems we face is to unleash a process philosophical and political emancipation. This intelligent human being who is the Venezuelan must be organized towards the emergence of a new social order. We must take a pragmatic attentive to the promptings of the present and the challenges of the circumstances taking in hand the responses of a renewed political philosophy.
The movement should come from the bottom up, coming from a thinking society, from a humanistic global. Venezuelans live this time break with a world that is reeling. What is needed is a continuous exchange of fluid and different understandings. You have to give a common response to the daily demands of democracy.
Many cling to outmoded forms and when they least expect a spigot is opened and which pricked balloon deflate. The same thing happens to political systems that ignore the renewal and change. Can last until middle age -50 years remained the Venezuelan political system known as "democratic stage" - or languish in adolescents and even children.
The conceptions which gave rise to the democratic system have remained unchanged beyond the convenience and watering. The political organization that we know gets rid pushed into the closet by a manifest and clear tired that leaders do not understand and by the demands of a body that needs to be structured with new ingredients. It is what is called a crisis situation, or if we look more optimistic, the birth of a new world.
In the case of this precious political system called democracy oxide has piled up to the point of forming levers that would clog the wheels operate with the resulting encroachment on the people and the entrenchment of a class usufructuary.
should be organized from below. There are no prophets. Since there is no centralized thinking but a conjunction that banishes drop a line to be replaced by a rising generation of intelligence. Soon Google will seem what today seems an old Remington.
We must look to Venezuelan society as one of the cooperating agents exhibit a global intelligent behavior. Beginning to see a fabric of intelligence missed by the individual effect that survives in this transition from one world to another. Venezuelan society today is as a corpus callosum on which to apply a good dose of understanding. The idea of \u200b\u200bcollective intelligence is one of the dominant themes in the research of our world Nonfiction
The idea is that individual cognitive biases can be brought to groupthink to achieve improved intellectual performance . This is what has been called collective intelligence. Could also explain the grounds that can lead to human communities toward greater order of complexity, which obviously lead to other behavior on reality.
Collective intelligence is everywhere, is spread. Should be assessed and coordinated to lead to the construction of the foundations of a knowledge society, which means, first, the enrichment of individuals. If intelligence is shared, as it really is, amending the concepts of elite and power, and break the paradigms of leadership, especially those of pride, since it involves recognizing a manifestation of humility.
Now that intelligence must be distributed under an action to begin to achieve collective intelligence. Teilhard de Chardin, good definer of the differentiation of individual person - and who certainly foresaw the computer network with 50 years in advance-spoke noosphere (a combination of intelligent beings with the environment they live in) and extended it further by a glimpse of what the thinkers of today call the global brain.
Well, the key is, perhaps, to create numerous small noosphere. This happens to be seen less individualism and ethical context of otherness. Is what is called Christian humanism as the replacement of I by us. There are, however, a more practical reason that is beyond the theoretical and moral to insert into the brutal real reality: the world where he is headed or known or perishes, or cooperates or fails, or respects or is convicted .
A good way is to adjust the mechanisms of communication. The intelligent web appear at any time may, for example, organize the information you are interested only in a neighborhood community. The technology is at the service of intereacción. The problems of a particular community are probably many that will lead to a shared context. At this level of trade will get a world of meanings which will lead to the mobilization of skills. This is to identify and recognize diversity. The first step is accepting that we are in the era of knowledge and that therefore we must act within that framework. The strengthening of the capacities of the formation of a positive state that allows a person to act with others and get the opening. And it would be unnecessary to add that thought to be generated in this way is free and not subject to manipulation. And this is not merging individual intelligence en masse, but to activate a new mode of identification. This is precisely the idea of \u200b\u200bcollective intelligence, one which preserves the personality of each one, the ideas and the self of each person.
That is, people do not think the board to reach certain conclusions, but he thinks together to get the value of connection and confrontation of ideas. Modify educators and education currently offered. Will need replacing traditional methods. Thus we can summarize: teaching is to connect people with opportunities, experiences with knowledge, is helping to establish one or more connections, connecting experiences, connect to an experience, connecting for others to learn to connect, connect people with content, connecting people.
Indeed, the reality is replaceable as long as they clearly have the new reality. Connections should be the collective design of a project that goes through a collective and connective intelligence, in any event organized. If you do not reinvent democracy will have no future and it is therefore necessary to generate social body, through its incorporation in collective intelligence, the necessary tools.
The space of these tools is knowledge, the power of thought, a dynamic living space where they develop qualities of being and ways of acting in society. It is fundamentally a political issue and a matter of democracy. It is my vision of the country Venezuela: a knowledge society. I propose to be included in the replacement of the current national project in 2013. And I put my name: National Project. Democratic Reconstruction Plan for Sustainable Development of Venezuelan man.
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