Nizam: from the dark side |
inner circle: Letters of introduction of the members |
: Letters of introduction of the members (2) |
Dear fellow victims of various opacities:
Nizam Our colleague from the catacombs, we will promptly send food for the household of faith. From the Forum of David and Mary Fuentes, delights us with new material, thanks Nizam! This letter will give us a lot of game and a good afternoon of glory. Going for you!
When a member of the religious denomination change of location or address, the elders of their local community write a letter to the elders of the congregation that corresponds to your new home. What's objectionable? So far so good. I would say that education and courtesy never hurts so dehumanized world as we live. So what is the reason for criticism of these guidelines?
graze in the book (search the internet for KS10-S) there are many useful guidelines on the letters. For example, paragraphs 30 and 31 of Chapter 3 talks about the letter to be sent when you move an elder or ministerial servant; Again, the reference to the secret book "shielded" by the religious denomination with copyright. A parallel judicial system of the English State, whose law is opaque to everyone ... even the Jehovah's Witness on foot! Olé that defense of individual liberties that boasts both religious confession!
I do not say this is the modus operandi with the theme of the letter. The elders of the congregation that part of the old course, send a detailed letter with all the strengths and weaknesses - to be able to see - the elders of the new congregation. Can the affected read this letter does your person? No, no way. That is the guideline of the religion. Although the affected explicitly request access to that data about you, the religious denomination never allow access to them. Today, in many cases is used as a tool of revenge, where some elderly - hiding behind the anonymity of a letter which will never access the concerned - as a place that moves parsley. Commonly know this as a stab. Hide personal data from the same person in question is - and I am not mistaken - illegal in Spain.
... paragraph 22 of Chapter 7 talks about moving a publisher subject to legal restrictions ...Again, throughout these proceedings, the person concerned does not receive any written report or ... everything will be oral and you will never read a document talk about the court ruling of religion. The exchange of information on the individual's personal data and the full details - including those who may be involved in the commission of evil - among the elders of the respective congregation is top secret. The inmate has less rights than a Coptic Christian in Egypt or Iraq.
... and paragraph 2 of Chapter 10 of the removal of a person removed or detached ...authorization signed by the person removed or detached, to authorize them to have the registration card Publisher or confidential record of that English citizen? Or possesses religious affiliation these documents without the person affected as this awareness documentary? Do you agree, the person concerned, the transfer of information strictly personal ... the elders of the different congregations, and all this is done behind the defendant? Here are managed much more private information possible, between people, without the defendant pinched or cut. Is as the cuckold, the last to know ... if you learn! Menudo respect to reputation, image and reputation of individuals, that the English Constitution guarantees all citizens!
and paragraphs 20 and 21 of Chapter 12 provide updated guidelines on the letter to be sent when you move a person who is known to have sexually abused children or who is accused of it.Some staunch advocate of the Governing Body, adds that the elders of the congregation are rigorous law-abiding English non pederast reveal the identity of members of the congregation ... not even the police! So, I see how a neighbor sexually abusing a child, but that the criminal has the right to privacy, then do not report to the police because I am a careful observer of the law ... if you want denouncing the child! What about the rights of children? What about the safety of children within and outside the religious faith ...? Do I need to import the safety of children, or, rather, the good image of the religious confession ... this is what it was? The
Parraga 21, begins by specifying very well: When a brother denies child sex abuse was launched by a single witness moves to another congregation, the right approach is to write to the branch before sending any information about him to the elderly. macha Here again hammer the theme of two eyewitnesses to indict someone pederast or any other crime, why make the point about whether the sexual abuse of minors only has a single witness ... we are asking for the moon to the victim and stay as hot dogs! You have nothing against the religious denomination has its own internal judicial protocols in this matter, as long as the pederast course be reported to the police in the first instance: if the victim does not, what should the representatives of religion on the ... congregation, which are the elderly. Later, the police and judges - ensuring the rights of the alleged pederast and the alleged victim - determine the innocence or guilt of someone. In this way, it is guaranteed - even where this is possible - the safety of other children, both inside and outside of confession religious.
Also, as can be seen, the national headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain, it remains on the sidelines in this matter: indicated is to write to the branch before sending any information about him to the elderly. The elders of a local community of Jehovah's Witnesses, they receive a complaint by an alleged victim has been sexually abused by another member of the religion. If the alleged pederast, no congregation ever decide to move, the case is plugged into the congregation of origin ..., but always inform the Department of Legal issues of religious faith who gives the appropriate guidelines. Then, if the months or years, the alleged pederast decide to change residence, their elders should write before the national headquarters to receive the placet. If you are, then you can write to the elders of the congregation where you move, so they know that they get a brother who has been accused of pedophilia by a single eyewitness. What parents again and congregation? A nobody tells them there is a potential pederast ranks. Never, never, never, the congregation informs parents the danger of a pederast in the congregation they attend with their children ... unless parents are fortunate enough to see the pederast in the news or on TV!
paragraphs inserted, the book graze, no waste, we encourage the elderly to assess the state "spiritual" pederast as possible both the potential victim . And I say! Is this what the hell is about to determine whether or not there was sexual abuse? Does the religious confession criminologists and psychologists scientific experts to determine the innocence or guilt of a person? Can they do a house search to see if the potential pederast is pornographic or other evidence to incriminate him? Can they intervene in court, the telephone or Internet connections by the defendant? It is exasperating that the only weapon with the elders of the congregation to determine guilt or innocence of anyone, is to have two witnesses. If all criminals who are caught by the ordinary courts, it had to be solely in the event that could bring two witnesses to the crime ... would not be necessary or prisons, or judges or law some!
know how to swim and eat , this is the modus operandi of the religious confession - no doubt advised by its own Department of Legal Affairs -. "An example? Read carefully, under the heading Publishers (the soldier within the religious community), what data should be included when it decides to move from location:
For information to be included in the letter, might ask: "What we want to know things about someone to move to our congregation?". (Matthew 7:12) Here, the elderly are open season to include all the good and bad they want from the person. Depending on whether falls right or wrong. Because the letter - as I mentioned before - will never be able to read the affected steer clear of religious confession! How can you write a letter about a person, including congregations, and the party can not read it? Is this ethical? Is this Christian? Is this legal in Spain?And the national headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain, the letter could not end better:
Follow these instructions to the letter will help to protect the flock and give the Lord's precious sheep spiritual help they need.Yes, that's the intention behind these guidelines ... follow them exactly! All tied up and securely fastened. "Space for personal interpretation? None. Then you have to make the relevant entry in the secret book graze in Chapter 2, paragraph 16.
Each religious community can govern as he pleases - usually do it according to their interests - but the fact that his entire judicial system is opaque ..., even for the ordinary Witnesses!, thought-provoking. You can not judge people in camera (court and defendant) without counsel, without light or stenographers. You can not shield the contents of the book that contains all the legal protocols so that no one has access to it, unless the congregation elders. It is a book that has copyright, which, oddly you can not buy anywhere and you can not see ..., do not smell this rotten to check back? What are they hiding? Why hide it? What who can hide?
not even needed to use or Rappel Aramis Fuster to figure it out.
With you, for you. For information transparency. By openly and judgments. Against absolute opacity in the judicial processes of the religion. By respect for the right to honor, image and reputation of all prisoners tried by the religious entity.
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