Monday, January 31, 2011

What To Do With A Can Of Mixed Vegetables

This comes to an end ...

Some time ago I wrote a post where I said my old friend was becoming increased very fast, as fast that it seemed suspicious about growing old we took him to the vet and there he found a tumor and biopsy confirmed our Shazan had cancer.
The only solution was to wait, hopefully make a vital organ metastases and my old friend die sleeping, suffer bad luck and we should decide to "sleep."
Since then I watch every night looking for signs of pain have not seen him, his hair falls out and is all bones, no longer runs with her two traveling companions, not wallowing in the garden with them but ... even move the tail when he sees me and gets up to greet me every day but it costs more. Not today
I can sleep ... at five in the morning I woke up and as it is good for insomnia ... I went outside to smoke a cigar with my three dogs ... and there my old friend vomited blood ... Now I have to make a painful decision because I have been together in so many ups and downs ... he has been by far the best dog of all I had and I have ... in 9 years I have never heard growling, never an angry, just always on our side, resting her head on my legs always willing to receive a pat ... And I have to take and the decision to go with him, on a trip that will not return ....

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Seating Scroll Frames

Gray, gray and some lulu,,

As you say the song .... I was born in Mediterraneooo! so I need sun, the sun is part of my life when I have a bad day where I just go out of the sun and let me in on the face and breathe and I notice it and feel its energy, to me one day it rains ! two too! but noooooooooooooooo a week!
This week has not stopped raining, and cold gray days have led me to make two more crazy ... a buy me some boots, I had never imagined if it rains 4 showers a year, but ... and other start this lulu identified one hundred percent with her, when there are so many gray days nostalgia attack me (and I say to you is the lack of habit) I tend to think of those who left, in the past and future not ... I like to think both because I like to be sad ... what better way to embark on something new and having my head and my hands (so I bite my nails) distracted! I present my lulu that soon there will be finished because of course, just started to rain again! Aaaaaarggggg me that I will repay the boots ....

and so will be the end ... So if when I started thinking that was smaller and it is a fairly large embroidered

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Most Economical Printer 2010


Time?? No, I have! But this also I could not resist, Portuguese Forum was this proposal, I've never done anything like this and we're going to do ... with the cross stitch I made an easy woman, another salt to the bag! And I only have 5 days to present the first installment .... give me time??

Shop Selling Pepper Spray

First delivery Big Round

Bent Creek is definitely my idol, and I did not even think I'm going into dates with my goals ... another thing butterfly! or rather to other Sal ...

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Objective 1 compliment!

I started the year and I do not believe me, meeting all the targets on time (of course not even tell who is late 2010 ...) I present my first acufactum